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Calculate your energy savings

Press release Energy Saving App 29/11/13

Calculate your energy savings

Online measurment of cost savings that can be achieved with a COVAL vacuum handling solution

COVAL has been committed, for several years now, to improving the energy efficiency of their vacuum pumps. Today COVAL is launching the Energy Saving App software, accessible online, which allows easy evaluation of energy savings made by an installation equipped with a vacuum pump using the ASC energy saving system

(AIR SAVING CONTROL) is an intelligent system which is used to stop consumption of compressed air as soon as the necessary vacuum level has been reached, avoiding any unnecessary consumption and ensuring energy saving during facility operations.

The Energy Saving App software measures the cost savings when using COVAL's LEMAX or GVMAX vacuum pumps, both equipped with the new ASC technology, compared to a conventional vacuum pump. Use of this software, unique in the vacuum world, is very intuitive. After entering the main characteristics of the installation (the duration of operating cycles, number of cycles, time of use, volume to be evacuated) the gain is displayed simultaneously in euros, in air volume and in percentage gain.

In most cases it is very significant since it culminates with 97% of energy gain, in particular with the LEMAX.
Therefore, it is easy to see that investment in a COVAL pump equipped with ASC pays for itself on average after less than one year of use.

This software can be downloaded from the COVAL website: Click here.

This COVAL exclusivity strengthens the vocation of the Vacuum Manager company and their desire to contribute to improving the energy and productive performance of each installation.

COVAL, the vacuum where it's needed,
when it's needed

Based in France, COVAL conceives manufactures and commercializes worldwide high performance components and vacuum systems for the industrial applications in all the sectors. ISO 9001 V2008 certified company, COVAL innovates worldwide in the domain of vacuum handling by optimized vacuum components while integrating reliable and intelligent functions. They are adaptable to all industrial contexts with a principal objective to improve the productivity in total security. COVAL references can be found in all principal industrial sectors (packaging, automobile, plastics, aeronautic, printing...) where the vacuum handling is significant for the efficiency and productivity. COVAL commercializes its products and services all over the world thanks to its subsidiaries and it's authorized distribution network.

Fact & figures :
French manufacturer
Head quarters based in 1986 at Montelier(26), France
Staff: 45 people with an average age of 34 years
CA 2012 : 6,7 millions €
30 distributers in France, worldwide distribution network and subsidiaries in EUROPE, North America and South America.
Production site: Montelier (26)

Product ranges:
Vacuum pumps, suction cups, vacuum switches, vacuum grippers, accessories, vacuum lifters, tube lifters.

Your contact:
Stéphane GARCIA
Communication Manager
Tél. : + 33 (0)4 75 60 16 53

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